Ok I have successfully changed the ANDROID boot animation to one with a screaming droid lol
The animation is not the right size, but is displayed correctly if you are holding the tablet lengthways
A bit of fun for now, but another step toward a fully custom tablet (Going looking for the splash screen now)
These are the instructions I used from xda-developers
RENAME THE DOWNLOAD TO "bootanimation.zip"
first copy bootanimation.zip on your SDCard
run terminal
and write
#mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
(now you can write to /system)
("browse" to location, where you have copied bootanimation.zip, if it is in root of your card)
#cd /sdcard
(you can check if it is there)
(now just copy it)
#cp bootanimation.zip /system/media
Source and download