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Scroll Engaqe firmware

PostPosted: June 23rd, 2012, 3:52 pm
by steviesteve78

Anyone know how to get hold of firmware images for livesuite from Storage options? They don't seem to have any listings for the firmware images for any of the newer tablets?

Failing that, can anyone recommend any compatible firmwares that can be flashed via livesuite for the Engage?

It came rooted so I flashed CWM to the recovery which worked fine, updated ROM to CM9 nightlies from Christian Troy but forgot the compatibility pack. Device booted just fine but without the right compatibility pack the touch screen wouldnt work. Tried to flash his PWN3D rom and I think it may have overwritten the boot.img as the graphics are all corrupt and the tablet is unusable - I can boot into CWM but cant see what the hell the options are!

Any help you can give is much appreciated.


Re: Scroll Engaqe firmware

PostPosted: June 23rd, 2012, 4:54 pm
by Trashcooky
steviesteve78 wrote:Hi

Anyone know how to get hold of firmware images for livesuite from Storage options? They don't seem to have any listings for the firmware images for any of the newer tablets?

Failing that, can anyone recommend any compatible firmwares that can be flashed via livesuite for the Engage?

It came rooted so I flashed CWM to the recovery which worked fine, updated ROM to CM9 nightlies from Christian Troy but forgot the compatibility pack. Device booted just fine but without the right compatibility pack the touch screen wouldnt work. Tried to flash his PWN3D rom and I think it may have overwritten the boot.img as the graphics are all corrupt and the tablet is unusable - I can boot into CWM but cant see what the hell the options are!

Any help you can give is much appreciated.


Sounds like you have got yourself into quite a fix. Taking your points 1 at a time.

If you can get a firmware ROM out of Storage Options then you will have found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Trouble is that SO don't believe in leprechauns.
The Engage is quite new so I don't think you will find many solid custom ROMS for it yet.
If CWM is working but your screen is corrupt but you can still tell which line is which then this might help.
When you first enter CWM the 4th line/selection down is the backup - restore selection
moving down to this using the volume keys and then the power button to select will give you screen 2 on which the second line/selection down is the restore selection. This will only possibly help you if CWM can see your backup file from its default backup location. Providing you only have the one backup and it is still in the CWM default location then pressing the power button again should get it running. Talk about working blind - hope this helps a little though.

You can see the CWM menu screens represented here: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2757#p22311

Re: Scroll Engaqe firmware

PostPosted: June 23rd, 2012, 7:44 pm
by Mitre
if we can find a tablet that is a clone of the engage there may be a livesuite .img for that which we can use to get you back to some form of stock so you can flash CM9 again or get a new boot image for your tablet if someone can pull it off their engage

Edit could it be this

Re: Scroll Engaqe firmware

PostPosted: June 24th, 2012, 1:43 am
by steviesteve78
Thankfully I did backup before installing the new roms.

For anyone else buying an engage...

Install CWM by following the cmd instructions on the pwn3d forum. Your device us already rooted so you only need to install cwm by overwriting your nand...

I restored by following the keystrokes from cwm in another tablet (I did a backup thankfully).

Christian troys cm9 from works like a dream with the Sane I n93 compatibily pack.

If any of the above does not make sense, don't fiddle with your new tablet.

Finally, Storage options suoport really oes suck. They are nothing more than a rebadging reseller. Trust me, Yarvik have been ace with their support for the other tablet I have.

Thanks for your help/suggestions,

Re: Scroll Engaqe firmware

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2013, 6:13 pm
by robroy
Totally agree with steviesteve78 about SO's service. It took 33 emails over 6 weeks to get my faulty SCROLL ENGAGE replaced!! So, before I brick it I want to make sure that I have this right :)
ChristianTroys version of CWM Recovery ( cwm- ) will definitely work on the SCROLL ENGAGE?
I ask this because I googled pwn3d forum and the page I saw it on referred to a "recovery CWN for the mediacom 910i" This would suggest to me that it might not necessarily be what I want. I don't know if forum rules allow links to other sites or not but, if possible a link to the place you downloaded this from would be greatly appreciated. I have CWM Recovery on my phone and make regular backups safe in the knowledge that I can experiment quite safe in the knowledge that an error is only a quick restore away :)