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The Scrolls casing - printed logo and text fading

PostPosted: December 18th, 2010, 9:17 am
by admin
On the back of the Scroll device i've found that after a week of light use (an hour a day roughly) the logo and text printed on the back is starting to wear away (fade). Has anyone else found this happening with their Scroll??

Re: The Scrolls casing - printed logo and text fading

PostPosted: April 26th, 2012, 9:48 pm
by Trashcooky
admin wrote:On the back of the Scroll device i've found that after a week of light use (an hour a day roughly) the logo and text printed on the back is starting to wear away (fade). Has anyone else found this happening with their Scroll??

Well Stu, 2 years + on and it is still happening on the plastic-backed Scrolls too. I was a trifle dissapointed to discover that I can no longer confirm what port is what as all the print has started to vanish with just a shadow left behind. Good job you can't fit a square peg into a round hole or I would be in trouble.

(nb: wait for witty retort from a forum expert about how to fit square peg into round hole ) :D