* How to dump stock recoverydownload this zip ...
http://androtab.info/files/telechips/du ... signed.zip. and install it from stock recovery. stock recovery image will be dumped as /sdcard/dumped_recovery.img and /proc/mtd will be copied as /sdcard/dumped_proc_mtd.txt.
* How to install ClockworkMod Recovery 4a. download recovery.zip as /sdcard/update.zip and install it from stock recovery
b. flash recovery.img via fastboot (if fastboot mode is available)
c. flash recovery.img via flash_image on root shell
d. replace recovery.img in tcc8900_mtd.img, then flash via FWDN (if FWDN mode is available)
if your tablet has /system/etc/install-recovery.sh, you need to delete(rename) it at first. (a. recovery.zip will do it while installing)
* How to install ClockworkMod Recovery 41. make backup(dump) stock recovery
2. download recovery.zip as /sdcard/update.zip and install it from stock recovery
* How to install CyanogenMod 71. install ClockworkMod Recovery 4
2. reboot recovery
make backup4. wipe data/factory reset
*15. install
5a.install gapps.zip
6. reboot
7. touchscreen calibration
*1 *28. reboot again to reflect calibration data
*1 only if you are upgrading from non-CM7 ROM (CM7 1st install)
*2 only if you are using resistive touchscreen or misaligned capacitive touchscreen* How to use FWDN (Windows PC is required)i) prepare
1. download FWDN_V7_v2.13.exe
2. download & install VTC Driver v5.xx for your Windows PC
3. download lk.rom and tcc8900_mtd.img for your tablet (DO NOT USE FILES FOR OTHER TABLETS!)
4. connect power cable (do not use USB power for safety)
ii) flash bootloader(lk.rom)
1. start FWDN on PC
2. drag & drop lk.rom into FWDN window
3. (re)boot tablet into FWDN mode
4. connect PC and tablet (window popped and size of "NAND Data" is displayed in Area Map in FWDN window)
5. confirm checkbox of lk.rom is checked
6. click "Start" & wait complete
7. disconnect & reboot tablet into FWDN mode to use new(just flashed) bootloader
8. uncheck checkbox of lk.rom (it's ok if checked but no reason to flash again in next step)
iii) flash Android image and initialize internal NAND(FAT) partition
1. drag & drop tcc8900_mtd.img into FWDN window
2. (re)boot tablet into FWDN mode (if you forgot it in 7. in previous step)
3. connect PC and tablet
4. click "NAND Data" in Area Map in FWDN window
*2 *35. fill "Image File Path" (use [...] button)
*46. click "Create Image" (NAND Data.fai will be added in main FWDN window)
7. confirm checkbox of tcc8900_mtd.img and NAND Data.fai are checked
8. click "Start" & wait complete (take several minutes)
9. disconnect & reboot tablet
*2 creating new NAND Data.fai is required when size of NAND Data(FAT partition) is changed by flashing new lk.rom in previous step. you can use same NAND Data.fai if you are using same lk.rom. don't use NAND Data.fai from other people.
*3 if size of NAND Data is not changed, you can skip flashing NAND Data.fai to keep your files in NAND(FAT) partition.
*4 you can make non-empty NAND Data.fai in this window