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[Q:] Stuck on 'welcome' screen

PostPosted: September 18th, 2011, 2:00 pm
by epic118
Right, so here's the deal.
I downloaded the system.img stock image file.

I tried to flash it via FASTBOOT but that failed because the file data length was too large (meaning the file was too big :) )

So I made a backup via ClockworkMod, and I replaced the system.img from there with the stock system.img. I changed the nandroid.md5 file to reflect the change (changed the MD5 tag from the old system.img to the stock one)

I restored to that backup. Everything was fine until I rebooted.
I just get stuck on that 'silver' welcome screen. I can get into recovery fine.

Can someone please assist me - thanks! I really need a stock tablet right what will I check my emails and watch YouTube on? :(

Re: [Q:] Stuck on 'welcome' screen

PostPosted: September 21st, 2011, 4:11 am
by MrDublin
Use fastboot to flash the original recovery. Then flash the stock

Sent from my Gpad G15 Tablet