Battery Life (again?

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Battery Life (again?

Postby barry333 » November 8th, 2011, 4:08 am

Hi i,m pretty new to the android scene so i,m on a slow learning curve .I have read most of the forum posts ,yes my clock also does not work ,i can access the market (sometimes) but it still tells me occasionaly that this app is not compatible but i can side load from other sites? However, stock scroll 8 no mods, airplane and phone widget on ,you tube works 100% but i can get approx 32 hours standby before it shuts off (checked 3 times so no fluke!) with occasional email checks,so it does seem that this app does what it says on the box
Link here for anybody that wants to try it ... .5.0.1.apk
New Scroller
New Scroller
Posts: 9
Joined: October 26th, 2011, 4:22 am
Scroll Version: Scroll2 8inch resistive 8gb
Firmware 1.02
Airplane and Task Killer app

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