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Flash running on scroll!

PostPosted: January 12th, 2011, 3:59 pm
by JimmyW
...kind of:

1.Installed flashlite 3.1 from here:

Following the instructions on there...
You will need to root your phone so you can copy the library files (*.so) to the /system/lib/ directory.
Then install the FlashPlugin.apk and reboot your phone.

2.Installed xScope browser from here:

3.Created a Flash 8 compatible bit of flash and placed it here:

4.Using xScope browsed to the above url et voilá...flash is playing in the browser!

Downside is flash lite 3.1 only works with flash upto v8 and flv based stuff... Haven't tested it with other browsers...yet

Re: Flash running on scroll!

PostPosted: January 12th, 2011, 4:01 pm
by JimmyW
I know the banner is static, I just quickly exported a flash 10 AS3.0 banner to a flash 8 AS2.0 file (My scripts required AS3 to work correctly, so it appears static atm)


Also works in standard scroll web browser, not in opera mini though


Have played through quite a few flash games here and they all worked (Some were kinda slow, but meh I've gotz flash)

Re: Flash running on scroll!

PostPosted: January 12th, 2011, 5:30 pm
by Veng
Does this play iPlayer stuff and BBC web site vids?

Re: Flash running on scroll!

PostPosted: January 12th, 2011, 5:38 pm
by Warpedflash
Heh I said normal flash wouldent work and to try flash lite in the other thread :P

Re: Flash running on scroll!

PostPosted: January 12th, 2011, 8:33 pm
by JimmyW
I doubt it vent. They're built on newer flash, although I could probably knock up a remote player based on 8 to play URLs from them.
Lol warped, I missed that. Took a while to find a decent version of it.

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