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In car charging

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2011, 1:05 am
by poppyandjules

I am looking at the Scroll to replace a portable dvd player but with the added functionality of web/gaming when in the house.

I've seen on the forum news that this can be charged from USB but has anyone sourced an in car charger? Can I just buy a cigar lighter > USB adapter and then plug in a USB cable? Has anyone already tried this (and if so where did you buy them)? I've seen the USB adapters for under £2 on ebay but not sure whether I need to take anything into consideration around voltage and the like

Hope you can help.

Re: In car charging

PostPosted: January 7th, 2011, 10:27 am
by JimmyW
Hi Poppy,
I use the usb that's part of my car stereo and it charges the scroll just fine (Bit tidier than a 12v socket widget too). Any good 12v -> usb car adapter should work fine. I'd avoid the cheapest ones as they don't often have smoothing on the voltage (As in power spikes if it's plugged in when you start the car).


Re: In car charging

PostPosted: January 8th, 2011, 8:15 am
by poppyandjules
thanks. i'll try and pick one up