by superplay » December 31st, 2010, 5:28 pm
Note if you have a email address rather than a email address you will need to use:
when configuring the server settings
To configure open the email application on your scroll to use IMAP:
1) Delete your existing pop connection
options (press context menu button)
select and hold your pop account
select "remove account"
The email wizard should auto-run
2) Configure the wizard
enter your virgin media email username and password
clcik on the button "Manual Setup"
select IMAP
click Next
Incoming Server Settings:
Username: your virgin media email username
Password: your virgin media email password
Imap Server:
Port: 143
Security type None
Click Next
Outgoing Server Settings:
SMTP Server:
Port: 25
Security type None
Require sign in: Deselect Tick
Click Next
Give the account a name
enter display name
Click Done
Hope this helps, Let me know how you get on.
Model: S1008 / FWare: 0.94 / Kernel: linux 2.6.29 / Retailer: Ebuyer (18/12/10)