Sledgehammer wrote:Firstly thank your help regarding this, please can you let me know how easy is it to re do the firmware?.
Do I need anything to do this?
Not sure I have been much help so far...but thank you.
Researching your model Excel 53715 - it was released 2011 with Gingerbread 2.3.4 - if you are happy with Gingerbread then you can Flash the stock ROM and return the tablet to its original factory condition using the ROM here: ... . You need to unzip the package before you use it as you do not have CWM on your tablet.
However, as most people found that ICS is so much better than Gingerbread you may want to consider flashing Ice Cream Sandwich as a means to try and get your tablet working again. This opens several choices which I will explain further on as before you can do either you first want me to explain how you go about flashing new firmware to your Excel.
As you have asked me, I will assume you know nothing, which is exactly where I was this time last year when I got my Gingerbread Excel. As your Excel wont even boot then we are fortunate that the Alwinner A10 Cortex A8 processor can be booted via USB using special software called Allwinner Livesuite.
You will need a copy of Livesuite to attempt communications with your Excel using a Windows
(or Linux - but I am assuming you have Windows) PC.
You can download Livesuite and instructions how to use it from links on this page here:
viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2757&p=23262#p23262You can also watch this video which explains flashing a ROM in graphic detail. Don't worry about it not being about a Scroll tablet as the process is exactly the same. comes with USB drivers that you may need to install before your tablet is recognised. You will need to choose between 64 bit or 32 bit depending on your Windows operating system. These are located in a folder where livesuite is located. It is not unusual for Livesuite not to be able to see your tablet until these drivers are installed. The process involves opening Windows device manager and if there is a entry for android or other device that has a yellow/black exclamation against it then right click and choose to "Update Driver". Browse to the Livesuite location and choose the USB driver for your system i.e. 32 or 64 bit then allow windows to update the driver.
Sometimes this process fails and you need specific drivers for the tablet. If you have these difficulties then you could try these drivers modified for the Excel: ... 20Win7.zipWhen you have watched the video and downloaded the tools required for flashing a ROM then you will need to decide which firmware you want to install either the Gingerbread using the first link above, or ICS which comes in 2 flavours, 4.0.3 and 4.0.4 and there are various ways you can get this as well.
One of the Scroll forum developers, Suggsy89, put together a Livesuite flashable ROM for ICS 4.0.3 ... which also contains Clock Work Mod (CWM) which is a very useful recovery tool which can also be used to apply updates to the tablet firmware and other useful functions. You can read about CWM here:
viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2757#p22289 and when you understand how to use it (or if necessary I can explain if you need me to) you can use CWM to update the ICS 4.0.3 to 4.0.4 with this zip file also created by Suggsy89: ... 0.4_RC.zipYou will find that compared to Gingerbread 2.3.4 that Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.4 takes care of all those streaming video problems that Gingerbread suffered from.
If you want to flash the tablet just once and go straight to ICS 4.0.4 then you can flash a Yarvik stock ROM which Yarvik released as a Gingerbread upgrade for their TAB 264 which is a clone of the Excel (or visa-versa, there are many clones)
however, this does not have CWM built in and if you wanted to change again you would have to use Livesuite again.
The Yarvik ROM effectively turns your Excel into a Yarvik TAB 264 and starts up with the Yarvik animated boot logo.
There are other technical differences with the Yarvik ROM, specifically the Excel stock 4.0.4 has a system partition of 153 Mb whereas the Yarvik has a massive 503 Mb system partition. This does mean you end up with less on board tablet storage but I believe this is a small loss to have a rock solid operating system and a reliable tablet.
Of course, android is notoriously scatty anyway and I don't believe anyone has found a perfectly 100% stable ROM yet.
I find with the Yarvik 4.0.4 ICS
(which I have chosen to retain on my Excel in preference to the currently available customised JellyBean ROMs i.e. CM10 and CM10.1 being JB 4.1 and 4.2) that the Yarvik ROM suits me very well. I do a lot of live online video streaming and also use an add blocker, this combination upsets some Firmware but the Yarvik copes very well and suits me whilst I found CM10 did not do as well.
I suggest you knuckle down and do some reading as this is the only way you can begin to understand the hows and whys of it all. You can start here :
viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2757Then progress to here for the goodies:
viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3208If you want the Yarvik ROM it is here: