Gapps (Specifically GMail)

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Gapps (Specifically GMail)

Postby WestWallPoma » April 12th, 2011, 12:50 pm

Hi all,

Picked up a couple of B-grade 7" Scroll last week, mostly for the kids to use to watch movies when in the car. Curious as to why Google Mail doesn't appear as a working app. Firmware is 1.2 ; re-flashed, recovered etc, logged in with valid gmail account (tested both gmail and googles apps accounts).

Just occurred to me that installing Youtube.apk (I've not installed this) would get it all back in working order (gmail.apk exists in /system/apps/) and Market works fine after rooting and installing ApplauncherPro.

No mention of GMail specifically on these forums, so just curious as to whether it exists on this tablet or not. The Storage Options manual (ha!) indeed has the icon displayed.
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Re: Gapps (Specifically GMail)

Postby RichardP » April 12th, 2011, 12:58 pm

I use the other Mail application and it links to Gmail IMAP (SSL) just fine. Thats the only reason I havent screamed yet :D

The google apps dont install on mine.

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