Wont turn on
July 24th, 2012, 5:37 am
by abbie86
I put my tablet on charge last night as it died whilst using it, got up this morning and no lights are showing on the charger and the tablet wont switch on, ive pressed the reset button, tried different plug sockets and still nothing?
Re: Wont turn on
July 24th, 2012, 8:33 am
by BobC
You don't say what sort of Tablet - it might help if we knew !
1) Did you try to switch it back on when you plugged it in to the charger and if so did it start up then ?
2) Before it died what was the state of the battery - fully charged, half charged or just about flat.
3) Does the light on the charger normally only come on when the Tab is charging or whenever it is plugged into the mains. (You are lucky to have a light - some don't have one)
4) What were you doing with the Tablet when it died.