need to give presentations

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need to give presentations

Postby mikeynnob » December 19th, 2013, 7:23 pm

I give presentations using power point on behalf of local air ambulance. As a tech. idiot I would like to use a tablet instead of a laptop for connection to my projector

Can i use Android tablet or do I have to stick with Windows

If I can use Android what facilities do I need on tablet

Simple tach language answers please
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Re: need to give presentations

Postby Trashcooky » December 20th, 2013, 12:56 pm

mikeynnob wrote:I give presentations using power point on behalf of local air ambulance. As a tech. idiot I would like to use a tablet instead of a laptop for connection to my projector

Can i use Android tablet or do I have to stick with Windows

If I can use Android what facilities do I need on tablet

Simple tach language answers please

Hi mikeynnob,

If you are definitely technophobic then stick to what you know works - but if you do want to be adventurous then you will need to learn a few new tricks.

Firstly, as you say you use a projector for your presentations then I assume you also are using a laptop hard-wired to the projector by a VGA (Video Graphics Adaptor) - DVI (Digital Visual Interface) or HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) connector and perhaps some sort of remote so you can stand near the screen and narrate the presentation.

If this is the case (particularly if you manually have to key the computer during the presentation) then I assume your question about using a tablet for this purpose is to free you up and allow you to more readily interact with an audience?

If this assumption is correct and your aim is to be completely wireless and fully mobile during your presentations then you have quite a few technical conditions to meet in order for you to be able to use a tablet in this manner.

This may be a good time to ask if you own the projector and what type of interface connections are available on it for video input? If your hands are tied on this point and it does not support an HDMI interface then I would suggest you stick to the way you are running things at this time. If however, the projector has an HDMI input socket then your options begin to have a wider horizon, but with cost.

There is a system (relatively new) called Miracast which provides for the wireless transmission of a streamed signal (i.e. video/audio) between two suitably equipped devices. One of these can be a computer and the other a Flatscreen display or as in your case an android (or Windows) tablet and a projector

From a hardware point of view there are particular requirements to be met to achieve your goal which may make your desires cost prohibitive unless you have deep pockets.

Here is your shopping list:

A tablet of reasonably high specification, with HDMI output and Miracast compatability and a compatible projector or device supported projector You may also benefit from the use of a wireless keyboard/mouse/pointing device as well.

If your current projector does have an HDMI input socket then you may be able (with a suitable tablet) to use an EZ cast wireless dongle kit

Please be aware that any equipment I have included links to does not imply that I recommend it over other choices. I have simply included these as examples of how you might proceed. I think that personally, if I was in your position and could afford it I would buy an iPad and an EZ Cast dongle kit (which are known to be compatible already - also android 4.1 and above should be compatible too) and if your projector does have an HDMI socket then if you are lucky this may also be EZ cast compatible.

Sounds like a nice project. Of course, one last comment is that if you do proceed on a tablet purchase for this purpose then you will also need compatible software (i.e. presumably "PowerPoint" compatible) unless you don't mind starting from scratch using a different presentation platform.

Re-reading this scares me a bit so I hope I haven't put you off the idea altogether as the technology is certainly out there for what you envisage but at a cost.

If you want to stick with Windows but be set free from your laptop keying then do consider one of these as they are excellent and small enough to fit in your hand allowing you to control your laptop remotely via the small USB dongle.

Good luck, it sounds like a great project - please let us know how you get on.
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Re: need to give presentations

Postby mikeynnob » December 21st, 2013, 11:00 am

Thanks for that. My mind boggles but I know a man who does, so will discuss info you gave Happy Christmas
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