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Scroll 7D refuses to turn on wifi

PostPosted: December 24th, 2013, 8:05 pm
by Hazimil
Hi, I have sent this to support, but think they be closed now. Any ideas/help?

"I purchase two of these Tablets from Novatech (28/11/13). I was able to setup both tablets upon delivery and all worked fine (inc. connecting to wifi). Its now Christmas Eve and I turned them both on to update, before wrapping for my children. However one was fine, the other refused to connect to wifi. Other wifi items work fine, network is all ok at home (and rebooted all many times to check). Did a complete reset on the device to try setting up again, and it sill refuses to go to wifi. When I press thre slider to On for wifi, it just says Turning on Wi-Fi and just sits there and switches the slider back to OFF. Is there anything I can do (as will now have an upset daughter on Christmas day), or do I need to arrange a return with Novatech?"

Any help would be appreciated!

a desperate father

PostPosted: December 24th, 2013, 9:25 pm
by Trashcooky
Jonathan, try going into settings /apps/browser and clear cache. Then power down the tablet and reboot. If when you have rebooted if any WiFi connection show then tap forget and then try to input settings from scratch again. If WiFi still refuses to switch on then it sounds like you have corrupted firmware. If a final factory reset fails then it looks like you may need to return the unit as faulty.

Sent from my LIFETAB_E7316 using Tapatalk


PostPosted: December 24th, 2013, 10:17 pm
by Hazimil
Trashcooky wrote:Jonathan, try going into settings /apps/browser and clear cache. Then power down the tablet and reboot. If when you have rebooted if any WiFi connection show then tap forget and then try to input settings from scratch again. If WiFi still refuses to switch on then it sounds like you have corrupted firmware. If a final factory reset fails then it looks like you may need to return the unit as faulty.

Hi, tried all of this and still no luck. At no stage did wifi come up, so was unable to "forget it". Sounds like a failed tablet.

Thanks for the advice, though.


Re: Scroll 7D refuses to turn on wifi

PostPosted: December 6th, 2014, 8:49 pm
by dreamrider1964
Hi there! It is my problem, too. I'm searched and searched for solution, but without success. Anybody has this tablet model? Can you dump a working stock firmware for me? Please, help me ...