Moborobo: Manage Your Android Phone From PC

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Moborobo: Manage Your Android Phone From PC

Postby Lukasiewicz » June 5th, 2012, 1:11 pm

Here is a review from makeuseof
Our Android devices have plenty of information on them that sometimes we’d like to transfer over to our computers so that we can manipulate that information, use it with our computer’s programs, or simply save as a backup location for your phone’s information.

However, after all these years I’ve never really heard of any software that can do this. At most, I’ve heard about Android notifications that can be displayed on your computer, but that’s about it. Thankfully, that is about to change.

Moborobo: The Best Tool To Manage Your Android Phone From Your Computer [Windows]

I've just installed this - its pretty amazing 8-) , particularly for someone new to Android. You can have your own library of apps on the PC ( Eg. D:\Android\Android Freeware\ ) then drag and drop apk's to Moborobo's window, see tab "Apps" 3'rd on the right.

Then you can install.
Also you can back large number of settings to PC - see First tab.
Ah, can take Screen shots of the android as well. :D
New Scroller
New Scroller
Posts: 8
Joined: June 3rd, 2012, 9:38 am

Re: Moborobo: Manage Your Android Phone From PC

Postby Lukasiewicz » June 5th, 2012, 1:45 pm

Even more useful - amazing :shock: it will display Android Screen in real time on PC. Very useful for demo's - could produce screencasts on how too do things. Just have to figure how to record PC screen. :geek:
New Scroller
New Scroller
Posts: 8
Joined: June 3rd, 2012, 9:38 am

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