by Fonefixer » February 19th, 2011, 5:57 am
Boots: Welcome to the madhouse!
No wifi? thats an odd one...might sound silly but can you be a bit more specific please?
Do you get an error msg? of so, what is it?
What wifi channel is your router on?
Can the scroll see the ssid of your router if you tell the scroll to forget the network then rescan?
Are you getting any wifi interference from neighbours that may be on the same channel?
What does the scroll say when you turn wifi on? should say "turning wifi on" then "obtaining ip address from (ssid)" then "connected"
Ive noticed my scroll can be picky about connecting, sometimes it just says "not in range, remembered" and i have to walk to the router and it will suddenly connect
Employees are like mules. Some you stand in front of and coax them along with a carrot. Some you stand behind and kick them in the arse. The key to management is knowing which mules are which!