Thanks to unsung heros

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Thanks to unsung heros

Postby BobC » December 16th, 2012, 10:10 pm

Over the last few weeks I have noticed a lot of multiple spam postings on the board. They don't stay up for long as someone has to work their way through getting shut of them.

Doing this can be a thankless task, probably unnoticed by many users, however I would like to say a special thank you to whoever works away in the background keeping the board tidy and clean. The image in my mind is that of someone with a yard brush and shovel disappearing into the stables and sweeping out a load of effluent.

Thank You.


Mod edit: Thanks Bob that means a lot. Happy Christmas.
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Re: Thanks to unsung heros

Postby JCB » December 17th, 2012, 7:01 pm

I'll second that. My thanks to those looking after the site.

I had noticed several of these spam posts. I made no attempt to look at what they are linking to, whether it is a virus or an attempt to get visits to a site to crank up advertising impressions to make some money. Whatever the reason, these are best avoided.

I did have a couple of alerts over recent days, telling me that tere were new posts on threads I was monitoring, but when I went there I found nothing. Presumably it was more of these spams, but they had been cleaned away before I looked.

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Re: Thanks to unsung heros

Postby admin » December 17th, 2012, 11:26 pm

Massive thanks to Trashcooky who is clearing up more than I even know about - thank you so much!
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