I started off with a f/w 0.9 something scroll - was fine till I realised the USB host port was knacked.
Sent it back to Dabs who very promptly sent me a nice shiny new 1.01 replacement.
This worked a treat for about a week till the market disappeared - OH Dear !!!
Armed with a wealth of knowledge gained from browsing through this forum perpetually, I thought I would quickly remedy my ills with a quick foray into hacking the damn thing - easy peasy, I hear you say.......
First, I thought, deal with those pesky PMT files, that'll sort the bu"""r out - he he
Ooops - stuck in an endless loop - Super manager is unhappy - had to resort to a hard reset.
Rebooted OK, had a look, Phone.apk is now Phone.old - hooray !!!
Now just rename the other two, Oh dear super manager won't load, z4root says I'm still rooted, it's lying, nothing that requires root access will work. Tried various things (Now completely bald), In the end I had to do a system restore.
System restored OK, phone.apk back, so back where I started from - minus root access, now seriously considering upping to 2.2, but I can't afford a Galaxy just at the moment, so back to the forum for a good read.
After many attempts I could not get z4root and super manager working again - so ......
Decided to upgrade to 1.02, this was uneventful and only took minutes - some success at last.
After this I soon got z4root and super manager working and started again, this time I removed install-recovery.sh - as per Warpedflash's recommendation, as it would be handy later on. Then I had a go at phone.apk again - same bliddy result - again super manager is away in a huff !!!
New approach required.
Since I had removed install-recovery.sh, I went on to install Clockworkmod Recovery, followed the instructions to a tee and hey presto, every thing went fine - I now have a backup of the scroll.
Super manager was still not working and I had to resort to Term, a terminal emulator to copy across the new 160 dpi build.prop, and hesitatingly renamed the PMT files - - RESULT !!!!!
Super manager still won't startup and although I have now un-installed it, messages about it requiring a FC still appear from time to time - probably remnants of the program left when it crashed - also probably why I can't get it to run anymore.
My Scroll is now at 1.02, super slick and battery efficient.
Thanks to all the guys who sweated over the fixes they developed.
Hows about Multi-touch and App2SD now ??