I'm sure I speak for us all when I say that our thoughts are with you and Dave's children now and, especially so tomorrow afternoon. I think it is entirely appropriate that we close the Forum tomorrow afternoon as a mark of respect to Dave... thank you to Charlie and Stu for proposing this.
So that the wider membership understand where we're at with the files, 'Android 4.0 crane image' and 'Flashing kit' that Dave was planning to share with us... we believe they're part of a set of 4 (Dave's already shared 2) files that
should enable the Excel Tablet to run Android 4 / Ice Cream Sandwich.
Dave was not planning to release these files into the wild... see 'Something which may be of use to Excel owners' http://scrolltabletforum.co.uk/site/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=2147 about it where Dave said:
'The archive is password protected to prevent unauthorised use, if you require it please pm/email me. I will only divulge the password to those I know well on here. If you are given it DO NOT pass it on - I will not
be happy!'.
Charlie has agreed to take on the role of making the files available as per Dave's wishes... more on this from Charlie when the time is more appropriate.
We think it might be nice if we refer to the fileset as the 'Dave / FoneFixer ICS Upgrade for Excel' or something of that ilk. That way, every time someone upgrades to it or uses the new software, they will have the chance to remember Dave and give thanks for his 'gift'.
It is said that we live on for as long as people remember us in their hearts and minds... I did a quick Google on 'Dave / Fonefixer' and he is 'everywhere'! He will most certainly live on for a long, long time.