Glad you are up and away Charlie, I have been playing with rasbiamc skins and eventually came to the conclusion that enabling fancy skins and animations simply grind things to an unacceptably slow pace.
I tried overclocking the CPU from 700 to 800 Mhz and increased the ram cycles and the GPU by 5 cycles.
This not only raised the CPU and GPU temperature by about 12 degrees C but also locked the system up forcing me to power down the bad way by a power interrupt.
Powering down this way scrambled/corrupted the SD card sending me back to start without passing go .... a reformat, re-partition and new downloads from the xbmc servers and I am back in business again.
I have actually now gone the other way and trimmed down all superfluous add-inns and stuck with the perfectly acceptable default skin.
I have to say that rasbiamc/XBMC is amazing providing you set up your file structure so it is fully compatible - video files in file named folders that must both be named exactly as titled in the online Movie Databases. I had previously edited and produced many of my own xml files to provide onscreen details of those films I couldn't get automatic info on from Internet Movie Database (IMDB) in the Windows PC XBMC interface. This Linux based rasbiamc/XBMC seems much better than the Windows version in getting its synopsis', actor, movie ratings and a load more information from a different source to IMDB that I have previously used with my Windows PC. Rasbmc gets its data from a server simply called MDB - and is extremely good at doing it too.
My oldest film is Zorro with Douglas Fairbanks made in 1920 and the rasbiamc/XBMC gets all the fan art, the synopsis and details and images of the actors as well. I am well impressed as I have almost 1,000 movies and it hasn't missed matching a single one of them to fan-art and plot details, even those I had difficulties populating in Windows are no problem for this Linux based XBMC.
I particularly like the ability to present the movie interface in so many different ways. Title, Genre, Year, Size....
In Year mode its lists - in my case starting at 1920 right through to 2012 - and Genre is so easy to please the wife with as I normally just choose comedy and it banks all the comedy films in the library onto the screen
I am well impressed with the fan-art even applying itself to nested folders faultlessly.
Since my last post I now seem to have the (i)nformation button working on the remote which gives me additional access to the plot, and watch a trailer of the movie automatically streamed from YouTube, and see all the actors and sort my movies by actor if required and loads more.
As a Media centre the R Pi really is the Bee's Knees especially for the little money it costs and you can even access Facebook, Gmail and YouTube using the raspbmc/XBMC interface and if you want to add a USB Tv stick you can set it up with an RPG and record options too.
If I had known how good it would be for so little money I would have bought one last year.
Of course another great flexibility of the R Pi is that by having a collection of SD cards you can swap out OS's and projects as the mood takes you.