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You are not authorised to read this forum.

PostPosted: March 17th, 2011, 8:27 am
by andrewW
Received a notification email this morning saying:
If you want to view the newest post made since your last visit, click the
following link:

Followed that link and got the message in the subject line although I was logged in. I then went to the topic I was watching:
If you want to view the topic, click the following link:
and nothing had been added!

A glitch or what :?:

Re: You are not authorised to read this forum.

PostPosted: March 17th, 2011, 11:24 am
by Fonefixer
I know why thats happened, and i'll explain.

The last post on that particular thread was in the early hours of this morning was an advert post by a spammer.

I noticed it and shifted it into an area of the forum that is only visible by mods/admin. Stu(admin) then decides whether to delete it fully and deal with the offending poster.

The post you were trying to view had been shifted to an area you cannot see, hence the "glitch" and the forum software had not had time to catch up, so to speak.

I personally dont have any email notifications active apart from pm's. All I do is log in and choose the "view unread posts" option in the root of the forum.


Re: You are not authorised to read this forum.

PostPosted: March 17th, 2011, 12:20 pm
by andrewW
OK Dave, thanks very much for the explanation! If I didn't have email notifications set, I might miss something ;)

Re: You are not authorised to read this forum.

PostPosted: March 18th, 2011, 1:09 am
by edtuckerartist
Like this! :D

Re: You are not authorised to read this forum.

PostPosted: March 18th, 2011, 7:53 am
by andrewW
Like which part? ;)