Too much complaining!

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Too much complaining!

Postby richardbird » March 18th, 2011, 10:36 am

Have had my Scroll 7" tablet for about a week now. Ordered from '' - an excellent outfit from whom I have bought 3 times and every time service and delivery has been 10/10. The Scroll is a brilliant piece of 'value for money' kit, it does everything it's supposed to. OK Storage Options have fallen out with the "Android Market" - however after one simple, quick and productive phone call to Scroll's customer support, I now know to use SlideME (used before, it is limited but works easily), Opera (plenty of choice free and pay, Scroll tablet is a named device choice on their lists!), AndroidPIT (looks like plenty there but I've not used it yet) and I'm sure there are more with a bit of looking around. In no order of importance, there are loads of wallpaper choices, you can download 'Adobe Reader' from Opera so can view PDFs, got 'Documents to Go' (a free MS Word, Excel, PPoint viewer that works well and has a full edit version for about $15 if you want it), Kindle with free or pay books and several others so far - all work well. Scroll plays my AVI movies, MP3 music, Photos, etc. Email set up is a piece of cake and works fine, with audible alerts for incoming mail! I use Google and the browser is fine, not as fast as a £500 ipad but so what? (My server is a BT Broadband Home Hub, works well) It stores favourites, you can look up anything, the home screen is easy, it charges quite quickly, multiple format i/o ports, even HDMI, at's attractive and solid. Maps work really well. Even this forum is really useful. So what do you want for £140 - 18c Gold Case an diamond buttons ?!?!?!
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Re: Too much complaining!

Postby Fonefixer » March 18th, 2011, 2:53 pm

Richard: What have people been complaining about?

I'll shift this post to the Lounge for now, its a more relevant place for this discussion.

Employees are like mules. Some you stand in front of and coax them along with a carrot. Some you stand behind and kick them in the arse. The key to management is knowing which mules are which!
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