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Calling iPhone 3GS & iPhone 4 owners!

PostPosted: March 24th, 2011, 10:17 am
by John
So then, i'm looking for an upgrade on my old nokia e71 and am considering an iphone (i'm self-confessed apple obsessed after being a mac and ipod user for 8+ years now). I pretty much use my phone for the obvious things so texting and phonecalls, the internet and a few photos now and then. So after reviewing both of the iPhones and seeing such a steep price difference between the 2, I'm wondering if anyone here has had a first hand experience with both devices and whether or not the extra money for the iphone 4 is worth it over the 3gs. Baring in mind i don't care about the whole techy side and I'm not the sort of person who always needs to be up to date with the latest technology, i just want a good phone with good features that can call, text and browse the net.


Re: Calling iPhone 3GS & iPhone 4 owners!

PostPosted: March 24th, 2011, 11:06 am
by Fonefixer
Call, text and browse the net?

Nokia 3210 & Laptop with dongle - The most reliable handset ever! :lol:

Seriously though - I have never owned an iPhone although I see them on a daily basis at work. My personal suggestion is the Samsung Galaxy S (S2 is due out shortly). Again, I have never owned one, but I base my recommendation on what proportion of handsets from different manufacturers we see in a week/month. We get a hell of a lot of iPhone4 & 3gs with signal dropping/screen issues, to be fair that may be because there are a lot in curculation.

We rarely see any galaxy's and if we do its a hard-button malfunction or the odd cracked screen.

Just my 2p's worth...