Forum Recognition

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Forum Recognition

Postby barrelockingnut » January 10th, 2011, 11:56 pm

Just sent an email replicated below to storage options website to get some recognition for this forum and the hard work and dedication to help new buyers and fellow gadgeteers

"I know you are aware of the forum for the Scroll at index.php can you please direct people from your Main Website to this forum. There are a lot of dedicated enthusiasts out there who are devoting huge amounts of time to helping purchasers of your product, obtain a feel good user experience, and their considerable work, helpfulness and technical knowledge should be given recognition and exposure. They after all are taking some of the strain of questions off you. Even if you quote the website as an "Unofficial Forum Users Group" although of course it should be "officially recognised" by a link on your site.
The admin, and moderators are responding quickly to new users concerns and questions and what they are doing is to be admired and congratulated.A lot of people in this forum are also promoting your product by giving reviews on the seller sites like Dabs, Maplins etc. "

Not only the Romans had Scrolls
Firmware 0.94 kernel 2.6.29 build 2.1 Purchased Maplin 8.1.11
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Re: Forum Recognition

Postby Charlie » January 11th, 2011, 10:35 am

Pls let us know what you hear back from SO
" Just because you could, doesn't mean you should. "
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Huawei Y300 (4.1.1 rooted - TWRP)
MK809 (4.1.1 rooted - CWM)
Raspberry Pi B (512MB)

Retired: Excel (CM10) & 1st Gen' (2.1) Tab'.

Re: Forum Recognition

Postby admin » January 11th, 2011, 11:32 am

Thank you Barrel, good job.
Stu (Admin)

Model: S1008 - Firmware: v0.94 - Kernel: 2.6.29 - OS: 2.1
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