3G Internet Access

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3G Internet Access

Postby BrianE » February 16th, 2011, 11:05 am

I know that there are numerous posts, including members selling MiFi dongles, but it has always irritated me that the Scroll is advertised as a fully featured mobile internet device. This is not the case, at least with the standard version, so I'm trying to find a suitable product to allow access via my smartphone (In my case an HTC Touch2, running Windows 6.5 professional)
So far, I've installed an app on the 'phone called WMWifiRouter, which turns the handset into a WiFi hotspot (Similar to using a MiFi router, but cheaper !) I've not yet succeeded in getting it to work, and I'm not sure whether it will be possible.
Has anyone out there had any experience of this, or similar products, or am I wasting my time ? :(
Also, I have seen comments about 'phone settings on the Scroll ? What's that all about ?
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Re: 3G Internet Access

Postby Fonefixer » February 16th, 2011, 11:12 am

Android is primarily designed as a phone operating system, hence the phone apps. I only use my home router to access the net from my scroll, but if I were you i'd think along the lines of 1) can the scroll see the SSID? 2) what encryption is the handset using to connect? 3) Does it have a dhcp server to give the scroll an ip address, if so what are the settings?

Might be worth browsing through http://support.wmwifirouter.com/ to see if anything they say resolves the issue.

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