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Which internet search engine do you use?

PostPosted: February 16th, 2011, 5:22 pm
by Fonefixer
Bit of a minefield this, but i'd like members opinions........

Ive used google for many years but since their "instant search" feature was enabled, its slowed my browsing experience considerably. I was told I could permanently disable it in settings, but each time I did so it reappeared on browser start. I now use yahoo uk which serves its purpose admirably in my opinion. I like to have an uncluttered desktop and net homepage, so I was using the basic google search page and now the same with yahoo....

Which one do you use, and briefly, why please?

Re: Which internet search engine do you use?

PostPosted: February 16th, 2011, 8:20 pm
by Lee
I have used Google since day one in 2000 when I got my first PC still use it now on my Mac, iPhone, and Scroll!

I think it's the best for me personally!!

Re: Which internet search engine do you use?

PostPosted: February 16th, 2011, 9:29 pm
by Diego
Instant search pisses me off too

Re: Which internet search engine do you use?

PostPosted: February 16th, 2011, 9:48 pm
by mojo

can't be arsed trying others lol

Re: Which internet search engine do you use?

PostPosted: February 16th, 2011, 9:54 pm
by Detection
Google - Simple, fast, returns things that actually match the query I gave it.

Yes I also found it likes to reset back to instant search even after disabling it, annoying.

This one was recommended to me a while ago - it claims the opposite of Google, and does NOT collect information from you or spy on you as you search

Re: Which internet search engine do you use?

PostPosted: February 17th, 2011, 4:07 am
by Fonefixer
Thanks for your replies so far.

I loved google before it enabled the stupid instant search, there would appear to be quite a few complaints about it on t'net...

Re: Which internet search engine do you use?

PostPosted: February 17th, 2011, 6:21 am
by Dub77
Google: does the job and Getting used to the instant search.

Re: Which internet search engine do you use?

PostPosted: February 17th, 2011, 7:29 am
by bitsink
I've used Google for so long I don't remember what I used before, Alta Vista I think.
My daughter, who runs an e-comerce web site design company and knows all about Adwords and how to get a site on the first page of search results, recently related to me the "tricks" some web sites use to get on the first page and the "counter tricks" employed by Google to defeat them. The whole scenario is not disimilar to military electronic warfare, electronic counter-measures and counter-counter-measures.... Might explain the annoying sites which "match" a search term but on opening they have nothing at all related to the search.

Ummmm (this doesn't read right) : I "played" with "dogpile" for awhile but got bored, it really only comes into it's own with very obscure search terms. :?

Re: Which internet search engine do you use?

PostPosted: February 17th, 2011, 7:38 am
by Fonefixer
Ive heard about this adwords lark. I know I sometimes see sites that are "cached" at the first part of results, and ads etc.

Ive heard dogpile (the search engine!) was pretty good. No, it doesnt read right, but I know what you mean! Google, in my view, is an excellent search engine but I really wish they would have two pages, one with and one without instant search. I read somewhere on t'net about a specific google page thats supposed to not load it, tried it and it worked once.

Im happy with yahoo for now but im always looking for different/better things to try, hence this thread.

Re: Which internet search engine do you use?

PostPosted: February 17th, 2011, 10:50 am
by Mickf
Google, I have tried others at various times but always gravitate back to Google as it does what I want.