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Scroll 7in Capacitive vs. Smartphone

PostPosted: October 5th, 2011, 9:13 pm
by scroller

My first post on here so be gentle.

My wife has just got a very nice HTC Desire S smartphone running Android 2.3 which is very impressive. I am considering a Scroll 7in (the capacitive model) as a means to dip my toe in the world of tablets and Android.

So, how is the Scroll likely to compare to a good smartphone in terms of screen clarity, touch screen response and overall performance of the device? (I have no plans to play games but will want to surf and watch video clips etc).

Would appreciate your polling and any comments as I consider my purchase.

Scroller (to be, maybe...).

PS: My employer issues me with an oldish Blackberry which is why I am not getting a droid Smartphone for myself.

Re: Scroll 7in Capacitive vs. Smartphone

PostPosted: October 6th, 2011, 9:06 am
by Charlie
scroller wrote:Hi,

.... (I have no plans to play games but will want to surf and watch video clips etc)....

Hi & welcome tot he forum,

The 7" screen is fine for surfing the web - but you will only be able to watch YouTube videos (via the app) and NO flash support is available (as the processor is only an ARM11 v6 - and for flash 10.1+ you need a v7+. You will still be able to load and watch videos in other formats (just not flash)

Not sure on the screen (I have the resistive 7") but as the one you are looking at is the capacitive type, it should be more responsive (as these types of screens generally are)

Re: Scroll 7in Capacitive vs. Smartphone

PostPosted: October 6th, 2011, 9:38 am
by scroller

Thanks for the reply / info. So I assume I wouldn't be able to watch stuff like the BBC iplayer or news clips?

Re: Scroll 7in Capacitive vs. Smartphone

PostPosted: October 6th, 2011, 10:59 am
by Mitre
bbc news app works on scroll as does sky news
if you want to watch bbci player on the scroll you can via skyfire browser then pay £2 to get the flashplayer version where they decode the video on their servers and send it to scroll for veiwing

Re: Scroll 7in Capacitive vs. Smartphone

PostPosted: October 6th, 2011, 5:02 pm
by Charlie
Mitre wrote:...
if you want to watch bbci player on the scroll you can via skyfire browser then pay £2 to get the flashplayer version where they decode the video on their servers and send it to scroll for veiwing

I never got that to work well with my Scroll - the playback was very distorted.

Re: Scroll 7in Capacitive vs. Smartphone

PostPosted: October 12th, 2011, 7:47 pm
by Mitre
@charlie did you let it run for a few minutes cos with mine it was like purple negative then after a few minutes went to normal picture no buffering and about 3/4 screensize but very watchable if not quite HD