Power Point

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Power Point

Postby dustytyke » December 4th, 2012, 7:11 pm

I have a Microsoft Power Point Presentation that I use when giving talks. Normally I run it to a digital projector from my ancient, steam-driven laptop. I have now acquired a Scroll Extreme and have managed to download the Power Point Presentation to it from my PC. Is there a way I can connect the tablet to a digital projector to run the PPP ?
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Re: Power Point

Postby Trashcooky » December 4th, 2012, 8:16 pm

dustytyke wrote:I have a Microsoft Power Point Presentation that I use when giving talks. Normally I run it to a digital projector from my ancient, steam-driven laptop. I have now acquired a Scroll Extreme and have managed to download the Power Point Presentation to it from my PC. Is there a way I can connect the tablet to a digital projector to run the PPP ?

Presumably you could if the projector has an HDMI input and allow you to still control the PPP by the tablet.
I suggest you try it out with a mini HDMI to standard HDMI cable on your TV first to see if it will display on both screens whilst you interact with the tablet. I am not sure about the Extreme but I know the Excel's screen usually blacks out when I plug in the TV via HDMI to watch films but I have not tried a PPP on it as I don't have as much installation space as you have on the Extreme to install PowerPoint.

Not really a definitive answer to your question, I hope somebody will be able to give more solid facts about the matter to help you. I would imagine if it fails the TV test then it will also fail to work sufficiently on the projector. However, if it works on the TV OK and you can still interact via the tablet touch screen then it may on a projector too.

Interesting question, please let us know how it turns out so others can benefit from your experience.
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Re: Power Point

Postby dustytyke » December 7th, 2012, 9:16 am

Thanks for that suggestion. I haven't had time to try it out yet but I'll endeavour to get to it over the weekend.
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