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How To Open Your Scroll

PostPosted: March 9th, 2011, 6:06 am
by Fonefixer
Tools needed:
•Jewellers Phillips Screwdriver
•Knife (Good strong penknife will do)
•Balls of steel

1. Using the knife pull off the black antenna cover from the back (I use the flat edge to work under between the plastic and aluminium and twist slightly to pop it off (It's held on with double sided tape)

2. Undo the two screws you'll find there and the two you can see at the bottom of the scroll either side of the USB ports

3. Starting at the top insert your knife/fingernail/plastic credit card and prise the screen away from the alu chassis

4. Run fingernail down along the sides to release the 4 clips per side.

5. Whilst lifting the screen push it carefully upwards towards the top to slide the USB ports away from their mounting holes.

6. You will end up with the scrolls' screen detatched from the housing attached to the headphone/side vol/power buttons by a ribbon cable (Don't kink this as it'll be pooted)

(Original post by JimmyW)