Thanks for your suggestions.
Its nothing to do with Linux as I installed CWM5 on the previous Excel manually using adb to push the cpio archive following the same procedure as detailed in the first post.
I then tried using Fun's updated GB cpio file ( slightly smaller than the first one ), same result.
Now I am back with what I believe to be an original recovery image but still with a black screen when I boot using power+menu.
I did save all the nand blocks from the previous Excel, I will try restoring my nandf and see if I get any where.
---- Update ---------------------------------------------------
I have flashed the original NANDF image and I get a black screen.
I have now repeated the install of the original GB cpio recovery archive and if I do the power+menu boot I still get a black screen. However as originally noted I can see the tablet via adb devices.
- Code: Select all
# adb devices
List of devices attached
20080411 recovery
PS shows a binary running called recovery.
- Code: Select all
# adb shell ps
1 root 292 S /init
70 root 4800 S /sbin/recovery
71 root 3412 S /sbin/adbd recovery
84 root 1824 S /sbin/sh -c ps
85 root 1828 R ps
Can any one confirm this is what is expected. My gut feeling is the backlight is simply not working in recovery, may be a different LCD panel from my previous device?
Any help gratefully received.