original scroll excel 7" question

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original scroll excel 7" question

Postby glendaxx » July 26th, 2013, 9:06 pm

a family member bouhgt one of these over a year ago, it originally came with gingerbread although i flashed an ics rom to it hastily which seemed to make it sluggish and laggy (the ics rom was for a similar tablet with different branding and it was in beta at the time).

just wondering is there a way to flash the original gingerbread rom back or an official update which will restorte it to a smoother less laggy state in terms of performance?

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Re: original scroll excel 7" question

Postby Trashcooky » July 26th, 2013, 9:54 pm

glendaxx wrote:a family member bouhgt one of these over a year ago, it originally came with gingerbread although i flashed an ics rom to it hastily which seemed to make it sluggish and laggy (the ics rom was for a similar tablet with different branding and it was in beta at the time).

just wondering is there a way to flash the original gingerbread rom back or an official update which will restorte it to a smoother less laggy state in terms of performance?


There are a few options for an original Excel in the Hackers playground Scroll Excel page
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