Android Jellybean 4.1.1 Livesuit Image for the Excel

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Re: Android Jellybean 4.1.1 Livesuit Image for the Excel

Postby Charlie » December 12th, 2012, 11:10 pm

What you have said makes sense and what I thought was happening. Start back and re-flash Suggsy's 4.1 image (via livesuite) but DON'T use his and just use the one I posted a link to instead.
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Re: Android Jellybean 4.1.1 Livesuit Image for the Excel

Postby Trashcooky » December 12th, 2012, 11:30 pm

Charlie wrote:What you have said makes sense and what I thought was happening. Start back and re-flash Suggsy's 4.1 image (via livesuite) but DON'T use his and just use the one I posted a link to instead.

OK Charlie thanks, I will try that tomorrow sometime. I am still trying to fathom this oddity out at the moment to see if it is actually beneficial to me - I can live without Asphalt5 and the only other thing which I found out before is that GLWG (Great Little War Game) isn't JB compatible at all.

Otherwise my main use which is Tvcatchup is quite sweet under JB and I do like the extra menus of JB too although to be contrary about things I miss the soft volume buttons that the Yarvik 4.0.4 ROM gives you.

I will see how the battery holds out tonight for some comparison.

??? I just found the boot animation files have got dumped to my External SD card as well... MMM maybe I can edit these and have my own customised boot image so long as I don't change the file names or size - just the content. :lol:
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Re: Android Jellybean 4.1.1 Livesuit Image for the Excel

Postby Charlie » December 13th, 2012, 12:04 pm

Trashcooky wrote:<snip> I am still trying to fathom this oddity out at the moment to see if it is actually beneficial to me - I can live without Asphalt5 and the only other thing which I found out before is that GLWG (Great Little War Game) isn't JB compatible at all.

This is because of using Suggys's .zip which changes the "vold.fstab" etc and using this BEFORE the internal nand is formatted via Troy's .zip sets the sdcard0 as the EXTERNAL sd card as this is the 1st usable storage area, as the internal nand is not usable yet. So when you use Troy's .zip this makes the internal nand usable, BUT as Suggys's .zip has been run 1st it now sets the newly formatted internal nand as sdcard1.
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Re: Android Jellybean 4.1.1 Livesuit Image for the Excel

Postby Trashcooky » December 13th, 2012, 1:09 pm


I think I will hang on to this hybrid for the time being as it may teach me a few tricks.
I have discovered that I can app2SD move system files to the ext sdcard that affect the way the tablet boots.
As an instance I downloaded a desktop live wallpaper I like but it only stays active whilst on the (phone) int nand.
Also, the boot animation is a complete hybrid with part0 being the typical ICS android figure prior to seeing the "android" word across the screen whereas part1 is Cyanogen CM10.

these are the partitions
Code: Select all
Filesystem            Size       Used         Free          Blksize
/dev                  153M        48k         153M          4096
/mnt/asec             153M        OK          153M          4096
/mnt/obb              153M        OK          153M          4096
/system               393M      322M           70M          4096
/data                   1G       244M         937M          4096
/cache                125M         4M         121M          4096
/storage/sdcard1       25G        2G          23G          16334

You will see there are some differences from my previous post - particularly the strange figures on the SDcard looks almost like it has been partitioned as there is 4Gig less physical size than on the previous check.
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Re: Android Jellybean 4.1.1 Livesuit Image for the Excel

Postby Charlie » December 13th, 2012, 1:50 pm

Not sure yours is a hybrid, more a mess up :lol: - I have changed the CM10 boot animation to the same design but in 480 size so it fits the screen properly and it looks much better.
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Re: Android Jellybean 4.1.1 Livesuit Image for the Excel

Postby Charlie » December 13th, 2012, 2:56 pm

Hi all,

Use the following via CWM and it will replace the CM10 boot animation with the same design but it will fil the screen properly.

Enjoy! :)
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Re: Android Jellybean 4.1.1 Livesuit Image for the Excel

Postby Trashcooky » December 13th, 2012, 6:58 pm


OK Charlie, you convinced me to stop messing about with my Frankenstein "Jellybean-sandwich" and do the job properly and I am pleased with the results as I am sure you are on your Excel as this is a big leap from Gingerbread which we both started out with.

I must say I like your for changing the boot animation image size - I completely agree with you that what you have achieved is so much better looking than it was before.

Just in case anyone got lost on my jolly jaunts leading up to this point I will make clear what I have done in case i may have created any confusion. I simply followed the instructions as Charlie had clearly posted above.

I flashed Suggsy89's JB ROM the one at the start of this thread with LIvesuite.
This gave me the required larger 400MB system partition.
Then I flashed Christian Troy's CM10 using CWM
Then I carried out a wipe/factory reset - CWM
Then I applied the Momo9 - CWM
Then I applied Christian Troys Gapps - CWM
Then I applied Charlies great boot -CWM

These are the current partitions.

Code: Select all
Filesystem             Size   Used   Free   Blksize
/dev                   153M    48K   153M   4096
/mnt/asec              153M     0K   153M   4096
/mnt/obb               153M     0K   153M   4096
/system                393M   315M    77M   4096
/data                    1G   124M     1G   4096
/cache                 125M     4M   121M   4096
/storage/sdcard1        25G     2G    23G   16384
/storage/sdcard0         1G   120K     1G   4096

All sdcard/s are working correctly and in the right place.
This is (for me) the first time I have had JB working on the Excel the way I want it to. :D
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Re: Android Jellybean 4.1.1 Livesuit Image for the Excel

Postby Charlie » December 13th, 2012, 8:13 pm

@TC - CM10 is very nice one the Excel so far and the few improvements/fix we have made, make it better & I'm glad that you are enjoying it too. I do think I will probably stick with this rom.

I am however trying to change my "non-existent" splash screen (where yours will flash up with Suggsy's avatar b4 the CM10 boot animation) mine is blank (well just a small black square - if you look from the right angle) - This is because I got to CM110 from the Yarvik 4.0.3 - It would be nice to have my own custom splash screen, but not had any luck with the things I have tried so far today.
Last edited by Charlie on December 14th, 2012, 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Android Jellybean 4.1.1 Livesuit Image for the Excel

Postby Trashcooky » December 13th, 2012, 8:54 pm


Good to have you buzzing again on the forum Charlie. :D
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Re: Android Jellybean 4.1.1 Livesuit Image for the Excel

Postby Charlie » December 13th, 2012, 10:22 pm

:D - Does anyone know that the nand* partitions are by name?

Code: Select all
nanda= ?
nandb= ?
nandc= ?
nandd= ?system?
nande= ?data?
nandf= ?
nandg= recovery
nandh= ?cache?
nandi= Internal sd
nandj= external sd

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