Stopping phone.apk on unrooted scroll excel

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Stopping phone.apk on unrooted scroll excel

Postby samuelellis » February 9th, 2012, 11:10 pm

I dont know if this is any use to anyone but i managed to stop the phone.apk on my scroll excel unrooted

First step was to connect to it using Android Commander

Go to /data/data and select and pull it to the PC,

at this point i renamed it to on the tablet using android commander


Then navigate to system/app/

find Phone.apk and pull it down to your computer. I then renamed the copy on the tablet to phone.old

the tablet then came up with an error advising that the application had closed and pressing force close just made it come back up agian.

To get round this i used Android Commander to reboot the tablet


then up it reboots fine coming to my pin screen as i would expect.

Looking at what is running under system panel lite in the Internal system processes i cant see a reference to phone so it looks like it has worked

Obviously this is done at your own risk as i am an android newbie but it looks to work fine
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Re: Stopping phone.apk on unrooted scroll excel

Postby blueeagle69 » March 6th, 2012, 2:07 am

The Excel is rooted mate.
The first step in being right is admitting that you're wrong
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