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[FIX]Blank screen in CWM5

PostPosted: April 23rd, 2012, 4:54 pm
by ptbw
*** THIS IS ONLY FOR BUILD 97F2-D1-H1-H01-1748.20120307 AND you have already flashed CWM5 and got a black screen. ***

If you managed to installed CWM5 and now have a black screen perform the following:

Create a directory called modules on your sdcard and extract the attached to it.

Using adb shell and the tablet in normal boot (please type VERY carefully):

Code: Select all
mkdir /data/recovery
mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandf /data/recovery
cd /data/recovery/lib/modules
busybox cp /mnt/extern_sd/modules/*.ko .
cd /
umount /data/recovery
rmdir /data/recovery

Now power off the tablet and remove the USB lead.

Enter CWM using menu+power ( count to 10 before releasing menu then power ).

*** THIS REALLY IS ONLY FOR BUILD 97F2-D1-H1-H01-1748.20120307 AND you have already flashed CWM5 and got a black screen. ***

Re: [FIX]Blank screen in CWM5

PostPosted: April 23rd, 2012, 5:24 pm
by Mitre
nice one ptbw i will put a link to here in my CWM5 thread
Edit: for those that do not own a pc or dont know ADB you should be able to use the same commands using terminal on the tablet

Re: [FIX]Blank screen in CWM5

PostPosted: January 16th, 2013, 5:21 pm
by Wully
The link in the thread no longer works, does anyone have a copy of these modules?

Re: [FIX]Blank screen in CWM5

PostPosted: January 16th, 2013, 8:37 pm
by Trashcooky
Wully wrote:The link in the thread no longer works, does anyone have a copy of these modules?

I can only suggest that you PM "ptbw" who's link it is to see if he still has a copy.