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16/9 AR Workaround for ICS

PostPosted: June 9th, 2012, 10:39 pm
by icarusi
I found a workaround for displaying 16/9 AR correctly in the ICS video player. The video file needs to be already playing, or paused. Scrolled back to the start is also ok. The players 'zoom' tool needs to be accessed. The zoom mode 'full screen video ratio' needs to be selected, then 'confirm', wait 'til the bottom 'home' panel disappears, then select 'full screen screen ratio' and confirm, and wait again for the home panel to disappear.

An HD file eg. any 1440x1080 BBC1, BBCHD, ITVHD or C4HD file will show as 4x3 in the 'full screen video ratio' mode. NHK World 1920x1080 files just show as bad AR *16/9* files (could be 2/1 ?) in the 'full screen video ratio' mode.

Any subsequent 16/9 files in the same directory 'auto played' will have the correct AR but if the 'previous/next' buttons are used, the AR reverts to 'bad'.

Re: 16/9 AR Workaround for ICS

PostPosted: June 10th, 2012, 7:03 pm
by icarusi
There's also an 'odd' alternative. If you last selected 'full screen screen ratio' and you play a clip recorded from the Scroll camera, if the next file 'autoplayed' is 16/9 AR it will play with the correct AR, as will subsequent autoplayed 16/9 AR files, providing the 'previous/next' buttons aren't used.