I have fixed (hopefully) the touch screen issue and have google voice search working.
See: http://scrolltabletforum.co.uk/site/viewtopic.php?f=57&t=3038&p=24227#p24227
Please test.
* Updated cm10 sources
* Fixed ACodec buffer overflow (try Netflix, it should work properly again)
* Added a wifi wakelock (now when you choose to keep with ON with display OFF it will stay ON, but the device will not deep sleep). Probably this will be more "deep sleep" friendly because Android now will know when the wifi is turned off and will avoid to keep polling the wifi while the display is off (disable sync with display off shouldnt be necessary anymore)
* Added "ro.disable_phablet_ui" system property: if you wanna disable the "phablet" ui just change the value from 0 to 1 (you find it in /system/build.prop file)
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