by BobC » November 24th, 2012, 12:44 pm
You might be lucky if you return the Extreme - they didn't have any replacements for some time and now they seem to have Extreme II which has Bluetooth (and is probably a later version of Android).
I have seen the full signal in Grey (i.e. not turned Blue) a few times on various tablets - I'm unclear what it means as in that state I can get a 'net connection so it often isn't an issue. DHCP has allocated an IP address. I can only assume that Android does some simple check of a known address before turning the indicator blue and if that address is unreachable (for whatever reason) it stays grey irrespective of the ability to connect to the rest of the world. That's just a guess though, often waiting some time allows it to sort itself out.
By the way can you adjust the output power on your repeater ? some do have this capability via a Web admin page.