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Basic access to the Play store (aka Marketplace)

PostPosted: April 3rd, 2012, 10:13 am
by ewok251
  • Go into apps (the four squares, top right of the home screen)
  • Open the "Scroll Apps" application
  • Open the menu (which is the 3 vertical dots.. fourth icon along from the bottom left of the screen)
  • Choose "Setting" (spanner icon)
  • Under "Share" choose "More Applications"
  • You will get a pop up with "Complete action using", choose Play Store
  • This will start the Play Store app where you can sign into your account, download apps etc.

Once you've done this, the Play Store app should now be showing on your applications list, so you shouldn't need to go through this again.

I haven't played around much, but I suspect that the number of apps available on the store will be restricted.

Re: Basic access to the Play store (aka Marketplace)

PostPosted: April 3rd, 2012, 10:20 am
by cantisque
Does Sky Player/Sky Go, Dungeon Defenders or Sonic CD show up? :o

Re: Basic access to the Play store (aka Marketplace)

PostPosted: April 3rd, 2012, 10:27 am
by Charlie
cantisque wrote:Does Sky Player/Sky Go, Dungeon Defenders or Sonic CD show up? :o

I doubt Sky go will show up, as the build.prop will not be one they support and there are probably missing permission files. Also I was trying to get Sky Go on my GB Excel with a SGS2 build.prop, got it installed, signed in then it said "not compatible". Looking at Sky's small print, they only support a few devices and when you look at the even smaller print, it will NOT support a device (even if on the list) if it is rooted. Damn you Sky.

Re: Basic access to the Play store (aka Marketplace)

PostPosted: April 3rd, 2012, 10:30 am
by cantisque
Sounds like the sort of crap Sky would pull -_-
Oh well, if it HAD worked, it may have been a good reason to go back to their movies package, because they do have quite a good on-demand selection. But oh well, no major loss.

Re: Basic access to the Play store (aka Marketplace)

PostPosted: April 3rd, 2012, 10:08 pm
by Mitre some success from gumbalds hacked skygo apk over on xda devs cant test till i get back as i was over my device quota butt you have to hide root and su ther is a script to move su and then move it back on a reeboot

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

Re: Basic access to the Play store (aka Marketplace)

PostPosted: April 3rd, 2012, 10:20 pm
by suggsy89
For Sky Go hack, we can hide root with this app....
Its called SuperSu by Chainfire
It replaces SuperUser apk

Re: Basic access to the Play store (aka Marketplace)

PostPosted: April 3rd, 2012, 10:28 pm
by Mitre
Looks promising

Sent from my ICS Excel

Re: Basic access to the Play store (aka Marketplace)

PostPosted: April 3rd, 2012, 10:44 pm
by Mitre
Just downloaded can't see the option to hide root or temp unroot may need to buy full app
Think we should carry on any skygo chat over on the other thread viewtopic.php?f=48&t=2124#p16017 as we are drifting off topic

Re: Basic access to the Play store (aka Marketplace)

PostPosted: April 6th, 2012, 9:29 am
by awilson3000
Hey gang had my first play with the device last night, suitably impressed! :D It looks like Play Store is essentially installed on the device, but somehow the icon is not appearing in the app store. Don't be concern however, as per above post it is very easy get at... If you launch a link or anything that might be suited to be opened by the Play Store (just like in the above post), you get the choice of launching the Play Store! Eg - ( ... ). Fairly sure Play Store v3.5.15 is shipped on the device, but it soon upgrades to the current latest v3.5.16.. I also (re)installed the Play Store manually by getting the .apk from the web. Although the icon initially appears in the app drawer, it is soon to vanish! Cheeky tip - add the Play Store widget to one of your screens, hey presto- click it for the Play Store.. :lol: I'm guessing somebody will quickly work out a method to for the app icon to persist in the app drawer, of course having the widget is fine enough- its not that big and you have plenty of screen space for it on the extreme :D

Re: Basic access to the Play store (aka Marketplace)

PostPosted: April 8th, 2012, 5:49 pm
by kristeltips66
Many thanks, i now have the market on miscroll fully working. I also installed the apk for the market enabler.