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PostPosted: December 27th, 2010, 2:44 pm
by aeroalex
Since the CherryPad is identical to the scroll tablet do you think that the Update they are giving out which is Gingerbread 2.3 will be compatible for the scroll?

see this:

The Device comes with android 2.1, same as ours but underneath it says "update to 2.3 (gingerbread) once available"

Interesting! This may be worth a try


Re: CherryPad?

PostPosted: December 28th, 2010, 2:04 pm
by admin
Hi Alex, how on Earth did you find this little beauty!?? Well done!
It looks identical to the Scroll I agree - do you know how we can get the update?

Re: CherryPad?

PostPosted: December 28th, 2010, 3:26 pm
by aeroalex
I found the cherrypad whilst on a usa website, looked at it and thought thats my tablet with a different name! I navigated to the cherrypal website and got excited when I saw "update to 2.3" but then it said once availible. However once the update becomes availible I'm sure we will be able to download it and install it onto the scroll!

I'll monitor the cherrypal website to see if the update becomes availible

Re: CherryPad?

PostPosted: December 30th, 2010, 11:31 am
by Pervo
They appear to be taking registrations for 2.3 beta but looking in depth at their posts it says all the updates will be delivered direct to device so it might not be easy to get hold of this if they don't offer it for manual upgrade. The whole CherryPal thing seems a bit dodgy, from the looks of it they have had a load of grief from Google and have had to pull access to the market. Apparently the problems won't happen on Gingerbread so they are probably going to be rushing to get this out so that all the the unhappy peeps with no app access (barring manual apk download) can get the market again.

Re: CherryPad?

PostPosted: December 30th, 2010, 12:11 pm
by aeroalex
Hmm.. looking at the forums now and it does say that market support had to be pulled from 2.1, which is strange since the device is the same specification as ours. We will have to see if the Download section that storage options is going to put on their website will have some sort of upgrades.

Still gonna keep monitoring cherrypal website to see how people get on with the 2.3 update on their device

Re: CherryPad?

PostPosted: December 30th, 2010, 10:12 pm
by merlot
Time to update you on where I am, I have 2.2.1 running but the screen will not calibrate properly. The x axis on the touchscreen is fine but the y axis is reversed and despite several days of investigation I have not fixed it. So I'm posting what I know so far, in the hope that someone will continue my work and resolve this issue.


1. SET UP ADB - this will allow you to access the SHELL on the device

go here

1b. ROOT - not sure if this is required but I did it anyway

2. FOR BACKUPS AND FLASHING INSTALL CLOCKWORKMOD RECOVERY currently the site is down so google clockworkmod it must be mirrored elsewhere.

3, BACKUP - reboot the device and press volume up, this will get you into recovery mode, It should be obvious from there how to back up.

OR use instal_recovery.bat included with clockwork mod and back up that way.

3b - Use adb to retrieve your pointercal file, the command is

adb pull /system/etc/pointercal[i]This file did not exist on mine, if you have one please post it![/i]

4. The 2.2.1 images are based on cyanogenmod images but have been modded by teamtelechips. You need 3 files from this site

nanopad fix pack - there is a readme inside the zip file - decompress to get boot.img - decompress to get system.img

transfer the 2 img files to your sdcard into the folder /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/nanopad (you will need to create nanopad folder)

5. Boot back into clockworkmod recovery by either method from step 3

6. Do an advanced restore and restore both the boot and system images.

7. Still in recovery, do a system wipe.

7b. Follow the instructionsin the fix pack readme and

push back pointercal

adb push pointercal /system/etc/pointercal

8. Reboot

IF this works like mine you should have 2.2.1 with a partially working touchscreen, if you delete pointercal from /system/etc the screen works but with the y axis reversed

Some useful links and info I discovered along the way ... t1906.html

Most useful adb command

Code: Select all
adb logcat
allows you to see the boot process

pointercal - I discovered that this file is created by the scroll calibration utility but never saved because the location is coded incorrectly, it tries to save it to /data/etc which does not exist.

I manually created this location using adb shell commands and it then allowed the calibration utility to save the file
which I pulled. Problem was the file wasnt any use on 2.2.1

Re: CherryPad?

PostPosted: December 30th, 2010, 10:33 pm
by merlot

Re: CherryPad?

PostPosted: December 31st, 2010, 10:20 am
by blde99
Well done Merlot!! Looking forward to the release :)

Re: CherryPad?

PostPosted: December 31st, 2010, 2:56 pm
by hunt4ams
Hi Merlot, well done on the works. Just to check have you posted the new files yet?????? Thanks and keep up the good work...........

Re: CherryPad?

PostPosted: December 31st, 2010, 11:02 pm
by hunt4ams
Hi Merlot, i've been trying to follow your steps to get 2.2.1 but can you please upload link to step 2. CLOCKWORKMOD RECOVERY. Thanks