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Re: Ask Storage Options a question HERE

Postby Mitre » November 9th, 2011, 6:40 pm

Hi Paul
in response to your reply as you are not going to support sofware upgrades for older machines can you please see to it that all source code for the scroll is made available as required by GPL license. My Scroll is less than a year old and without software upgrades it is obsolete as everyday there are less apps available that run on 2.1. without the source code developers cannot do any work on this Android open project. most importantly for us here at the forum would be the code for accelerated video and HDMI out.
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Re: Ask Storage Options a question HERE

Postby StorageOptions » November 9th, 2011, 7:44 pm

Hi gazzy21uk

I'm sorry if my reply seemed abrupt - it was meant to be succinct... :-).

I've never understood the difference between Flash on YouTube and Flash on iPlayer either, but I will find out for you. I'm pretty confident my answer is fundamentally correct though - iPlayer flash is not supported by this chipset - it just can't do it.

As for the marketplace, I'm not sure what you mean exactly? It does work technically, the problem is that Google block requests from our devices (unless you hack around it, which I do not condone!). There is nothing on the device to stop it as far as I am aware. Again, I'm going to check my facts in the office tomorrow on this, but there's no conspiracy or tease as you put it. We haven't got time for stunts like that to be honest! :-)

As for making sure that Flash and Market work before even selling a device I will have to refer back to my first answer in this thread - i.e. [it comes down to] Price. Nobody had a product as good as ours for £150 when we brought the Scroll out. We believe it offered good value for money. I'm not denying that the old girl has aged, relative to other models, but if you're asking about our thought process at that time then I think we made a good decision to go ahead and sell them. What we failed to do was manage expectations as to the product's abilities - we didn't do this well at all and (as noted by Fonefixer) it took us time to the right statements and better explain the Scroll's abilities. This problem was compounded by the iPad - certain buyers were expecting an equivalent product, which for the price, it was never going to be. I think, and hope we've learned from this and do things better now.

Just a final point on your comment on Android 3. I did not say it would be fixed from Android 3 - I said that Google have told us that this is the case (subtle difference). It remains to be seen if this is what actually happens if we decide to bring an Android 3 device to market.

Hope this is a better answer for you, let me get some more technical answers on Flash and Marketplace to you as soon as I can.


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Re: Ask Storage Options a question HERE

Postby StorageOptions » November 9th, 2011, 8:02 pm

Hi Fonefixer,

As I've just commented in my reply to gazzy21uk, I admit we didn't handle this marketplace problem as well as we should have and I apologise for this. We were caught out and it took us too long to react.

I will get back to you on the code issue. I have someone looking into it...

I will come up with a discount for all forum members, it's a great idea and something I have considered offering before. I just need a mechanism to make this work (I don't have discount code functionality on the website).

Thanks again.

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Re: Ask Storage Options a question HERE

Postby StorageOptions » November 9th, 2011, 8:04 pm

Hi Mitre,

I will come back to you on this code question...

Bear with me.

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Re: Ask Storage Options a question HERE

Postby Fonefixer » November 9th, 2011, 8:49 pm

Hi Paul,

Thanks, ill leave you alone now and decide what tablet to get next....

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Re: Ask Storage Options a question HERE

Postby Charlie » November 9th, 2011, 8:50 pm

Hi guys,

Nice to see great questions been posted and answered quickly by Paul - (and I might add, he is answering a lot of them out of normal office hours)

Thanks to all that have participated on this topic so far :D
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Re: Ask Storage Options a question HERE

Postby gazzy21uk » November 9th, 2011, 9:20 pm

Hi Paul me again sorry,
thanks for you reply that was a better effort, although I'm still not convinced by your answer. I think its a bit sad really android aka linux type devices deserved better really they had a small window of opportunity to really take the market away from microsoft but with the new all singing all dancing windows 8 tablets about to explode on to the market theyre going to be knocked back into obscurity again .
I'm not a great fan of google market anyway it's like big brother spying on me every time i connect to the net.
So i'm saving all my pocket money up for a windows tab.
Android has become to commercialized the very thing linux is not mean't to be.
It is mean't to be open source.
Your company and others wan't to control it for finacial gain not in the spirit or idea of linux your going to fail badly i.m afraid.
Anyway end of my rant thankyou for the opportunity to air my views.
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Re: Ask Storage Options a question HERE

Postby Mitre » November 9th, 2011, 11:35 pm

first off thank you for taking the time to anwer these questions
Question 1: why do android devices have such little space for apps compared to say the dreaded apple thingy i know price is important but 150MB or so equates to about 15 - 18 apps
Question 2: are there any plans for a 10" scroll my 7" scroll stays upstairs now as an ereader (better than my kindle for night time reading without upsetting the wife) but a 10 inch sofa surfer would allow me to get this hot netbook off my lap) :D
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Re: Ask Storage Options a question HERE

Postby smarthousesys » November 10th, 2011, 9:01 am

Hi Paul

thanks again for your reply. Dont really understand the position on the bezels. I suppose if you were able to provide
details I could email the manufacturer and order direct. I have found China factories to be pretty accomodating in the past.

Sorry I missed a bit of my email addy in my signature . It is -


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Re: Ask Storage Options a question HERE

Postby Fonefixer » November 10th, 2011, 9:35 am


If you click on any forum members username it will take you to their profile page. You will then see a link to either emailing them or sending a private message. (unless they have the option disabled - which is rare).


The bezels are probably available, but as Paul has previously said, he doesnt want to divulge the Scroll factories details. I can only assume this is for commercial reasons, such as this particular factory makes "clones" of other tablets and rebrands them. This is common practice in China.

If you are able to get the factories details they normally are very accomodating.

It a bit like the "dual sim Nokia" that was once presented to me for repair. The owner insisted it was a genuine Nokia and tried calling Nokia direct when I wouldnt repair it. They told him to politely bugger off.

I think the giveaway was the "Nobia" logo on the screen when it booted :lol: (Oh, and the IMEI wasnt correctly registered)

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