Very handy Android tool

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Re: Very handy Android tool

Postby Astro » February 2nd, 2012, 5:31 pm

@Fonefixer - You've probably forgotten more than I'm ever likely to know about this stuff, so forgive me if I'm just about to state the blindingly obvious...

I had a problem getting ADB to recognise the Excel (USB driver issue) and @Charlie pointed me in the right direction via:

@Charlie has put together a customised USB driver for the Excel (referred to in the 2nd post on:

The downoad link for @charlie's driver is:

I hope this helps.

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Re: Very handy Android tool

Postby Fonefixer » February 2nd, 2012, 5:51 pm

Thanks excel.

Im no android expert, im more of a hardware geek. Soldering irons and the like. The driver gave me issues on my first gen scroll but its been so long since then i forgot how to get it to work.

Ill have a look later tonight. Thanks again

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Re: Very handy Android tool

Postby blueeagle69 » February 2nd, 2012, 6:24 pm

Here is another good tool.
It's called QtADB.
Although not as good as Android Commander, the screen shot function works with this. And it's also got a App backup function. Although Android Commander has this feature, QtADB backs up app+data. Basically the same as Titanium Backup. I think QtADB stores the backups on the device, although I haven't worked out where yet, as I haven't had a chance to have a good play :)
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