HOW TO FLASH 2.3 Gingerbread CyanogenMod7 onto Scroll

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Re: HOW TO FLASH 2.3 Gingerbread CyanogenMod7 onto Scroll

Postby samtheeagle » November 11th, 2011, 5:59 pm

Yes, it's the one with the g-sensor fix. It's been doing it pretty much since I started playing with the cyanogen mod stuff. To be fair, the device has alway been a bit weird about charging from the mains, perhaps it's just this unit?

Great news in the Ask Storage Options thread about getting the source code :D Hopefully fun will be able to put it to good use!
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Re: HOW TO FLASH 2.3 Gingerbread CyanogenMod7 onto Scroll

Postby sterling101 » November 12th, 2011, 7:39 pm

Sounds like a hardware issue for sure to be doing that - certainly not had any problems like that with mine.
In fact it's damn stable if a little slow running fun's rom as it's not overclocking the cpu like the stock rom does.
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Re: HOW TO FLASH 2.3 Gingerbread CyanogenMod7 onto Scroll

Postby nomzamo999 » November 15th, 2011, 1:07 am

Thanks Sterling101
It was how to get to the recovery screen that I failed to figure.
Many thanks :D
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Re: HOW TO FLASH 2.3 Gingerbread CyanogenMod7 onto Scroll

Postby Deaks » February 11th, 2012, 9:21 pm

Hi guys (and girls?) newbie here, I'm having trouble with the first step of making the stock recovery backup. I'm following these instructions:

How to make backup of stock recovery and put it as on root of SD card (e.g. /sdcard/ *1 *2
2.install from stock recovery *3

stock recovery will be dumped as dumped_recovery.img and /proc/mtd will be copied as dumped_proc_mtd.txt on root of SD card. keep them in safe place.

All seems to work ok, I press volume up and power on and get into the system recovery menu, select "apply" and "" on the next menu, and I get a progress bar and messages and finally "install from sdcard complete".

But after all that there's no sign of the dumped files on the SD card.

Any help or ideas anyone?
Scroll Essential 53511 from Maplin with Android 2.3
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Re: HOW TO FLASH 2.3 Gingerbread CyanogenMod7 onto Scroll

Postby Fonefixer » February 11th, 2012, 9:29 pm

If it runs Gingerbread you will have an "SD Card" which is a partition on the internal flash and "extern_sd" which is the external memory card. Try using a file manager to have a look at the internal one to see if the dump is there

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Re: HOW TO FLASH 2.3 Gingerbread CyanogenMod7 onto Scroll

Postby Deaks » February 11th, 2012, 10:07 pm

Using ES File Explorer I still can't see the dumps, and accessing the various directories is strange!!

If I run ESFE it defaults to /sdcard/ with a series of folders, Android, backups, DCIM etc.. but to access the external SD Card I have to open a directory called "tflash". A favourite has appeared for /mnt/sdcard/tflash/ which if I open I can then appear to go further up the folders to the "system directory" if that makes any sense?

Still no sign of the dumps though.
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Re: HOW TO FLASH 2.3 Gingerbread CyanogenMod7 onto Scroll

Postby Charlie » February 11th, 2012, 10:48 pm

@deaks - This 'how to' is not for your device (Essential) , it will not work. This is for an old Scroll model. You will end up with a brick, if you follow this.
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Re: HOW TO FLASH 2.3 Gingerbread CyanogenMod7 onto Scroll

Postby Deaks » February 11th, 2012, 11:05 pm

Thanks for the heads-up!

The instructions here: listed:

•Storage Options Scroll 7" resistive 4K(non-S) and 8K(S)

Is mine not one of these?
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Re: HOW TO FLASH 2.3 Gingerbread CyanogenMod7 onto Scroll

Postby Charlie » February 11th, 2012, 11:52 pm

Deaks wrote:Thanks for the heads-up!

The instructions here: listed:

•Storage Options Scroll 7" resistive 4K(non-S) and 8K(S)

Is mine not one of these?

No, your one is not. According to your signature you have a "Scroll Essential 53511 from Maplin with Android 2.3" which is this one --> ... ssential-7
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Re: HOW TO FLASH 2.3 Gingerbread CyanogenMod7 onto Scroll

Postby BikeHelmet » February 16th, 2012, 12:42 pm

Can anyone help me figure out which firmware to flash to my tablet? Android 2.1 is getting to be a bit dated.

what is 4K/8K?
there is 2(or more) variants for some tablets. they have different NAND, pagesize are 8192 or 4096, and it may need specific kernel for each.
HY means Hynix, and S means Samsung.

Storage Options Scroll 7" 4K(non-S) and 8K(S)

How do I figure out which kind of NAND it uses? Crack it open?

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