I have had trouble getting spellcheck working.
There does not seem to be any english dictionary which is a problem for me.
To fix this:
1. Download a text file containing a list of common words.
2. Import this list into the user dictionary.
How to:
a. I downloaded the 6of12 wordlist from the 12dicts project.
b. Removed unwanted characters like ^ # & etc (list is attached to this post).
c. Imported the list using the application "User Dictionary Manager" from the Play Store (free).
I have found that if you use a wordlist that contains too many words the system breaks.
i.e. Spell check does not work.
The 6of12.txt list contains 32000 words which is not too many.
Thanks to:
The 12dicts lists were compiled by Alan Beale.
My thanks to him and the peole who helped him.
EDIT: Detailed instructions
1. Copy the text file that contains the wordlist into the root of the external SD card.
The zip file I uploaded contains the file 6of12.txt
2. Open up User Dictionary Manager.
3. Cick Import,
4. Click second option which is external txt one word per line.
5. Clear the box.
6. Then type into the box:
Where 6of12.txt is the name of the text file on the external SD card
7. Click next.
8. Click start.
It should now import the wordlist.