Google Play store with built in malware scanner

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Google Play store with built in malware scanner

Postby Trashcooky » October 12th, 2012, 9:59 pm

A sample of the article by android police
"A new edition of the Google Play app (Android's equivalent to the iOS App Store) has put in place the foundations for some kind of anti-virus functionality.
Looking at the code seen inside the app, it appears that Google could soon have the capability to perform anti-malware scans on your smartphone.
Our own examination has confirmed the existence of strings in the app's code such as."

"Allow Google to check all apps installed to this device for harmful behavior? To learn more, go to Settings > Security."
"Installing this app may harm your device"
"Installation has been blocked"
"To protect you, Google has blocked the installation of this app

To see the full article go to: ... -and-more/
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