Charlie wrote:Not sure TC, - All I know is that there has always been issues with unknown brands of Android tablets and windows drivers and/or other programs having an issue because of window 64 or 32bit compatibility.
I was not surprised that there was an USB driver issue on both machines and I had to use my set of edited drivers to get this working, but I did not think that Livesuite 1.0.9 would be an issue as it seemed ok on the l/top.
Well now for the test to see if it will flash the tab' ok.
So Suggy's 4.0.3 had CWM??? and is it the same "hold menu button with power button" to access?
I am not using Suggsy's 4.03. at the mo but yes CWM is built in - I seem to remember that it was menu and power buttons.
If volume + doesn't work then Menu definitely will.
Happy flashing.