scroll excel II touchscreen not working

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scroll excel II touchscreen not working

Postby rfvtgbyh » December 24th, 2012, 12:15 am

Hi hoping someone here might be able to help.

I've had my excel II for exactly one month, this morning while downloading and app the touchscreen stopped working. First i thought the whole tab had frozen but everything in the background works and the screen itself works fine, just not responding to any touch inputs. I connected my keyboard and did a factory reset and reboot. still not working. I left the battery run out, before trying again. Still the same results. Any help would be much appreciated.

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Re: scroll excel II touchscreen not working

Postby BobC » December 24th, 2012, 10:23 am

Providing you haven't installed modded software on the Excel (or are wearing thick woolly gloves) then this sounds like a warranty job.

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Re: scroll excel II touchscreen not working

Postby Trashcooky » December 24th, 2012, 12:14 pm

Must say that I agree - jolly bad break right on top of Christmas.
Hope you get sorted without any complications.
If it isn't broken then don't try to fix it!
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