Reevoo rates the scroll 5 out of 10?

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Reevoo rates the scroll 5 out of 10?

Postby admin » January 15th, 2011, 7:17 pm

After seeing a post on here about Tesco selling the Scroll for £129, I noticed on their site they have a Reevoo link which rates the Scroll as only 5/10. I though that's a bit harsh and personally don't agree with it myself.
What do you guys think?
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Re: Reevoo rates the scroll 5 out of 10?

Postby barrelockingnut » January 15th, 2011, 8:08 pm

Depends on expectations,I rate it 10 because mine were low and I was pleasantly surprised
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Re: Reevoo rates the scroll 5 out of 10?

Postby eddie1234 » January 15th, 2011, 11:39 pm

well its only one review thats given it a 5 so its hard to say....breakdown was :

battery life = 3
I agree with this - noone can say out the box its got good life

design = 3
nothing wrong with the design at all - i would give it 7 or 8

performance 4
nothing wrong with the performance - its a f'in £150 handheld tablet - if you want it to be blisteringly fast use a notebook - performance wise I would give it a 7 or 8

size and weight : 6
about right I would say - its certainly not the smallest or lightest - but I happen to like being able to feel what im holding --- if you get what i mean

value for money : 8
value for money - there is no doubt that this is its strongest point - it has everything all the more expensive tablets offer - and actually more than some....i think 8 is about right here as well --- more built in memory would push it easily to a 9

overall : 5
taking the cost of the scroll 5 is harsh - i would give it a 7
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Re: Reevoo rates the scroll 5 out of 10?

Postby jimmypage » December 4th, 2011, 11:53 pm

are tesco,s selling the scroll excel? cant see it on there site. where is the best place to get it before christmas.
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Re: Reevoo rates the scroll 5 out of 10?

Postby Mitre » December 5th, 2011, 9:43 am

Try any of these
and by the way the new scroll exell is fantastic
For £129 its a bargain device that does everything i want a tablet to do
had it 3 days now and so far can't fault it
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