OK, so many people have asked if the Scroll can be upgraded to Android 2.2, and the short answer is YES, but not officially. Storage Options do not recommend it (they say 2.1 is more stable and flexible) and when I asked them if they would do it for me if I paid them, they declined. However, they told me it CAN be done but doing so will invalidate it's warranty and they will not offer advice on how to do it or support it.
Here's a quote from Storage Options:
"It is technically possible to upgrade the Android OS. You can do this by having the OS on an SD card and booting from this. I must advise you that any attempts by users to update the Scrolls OS will invalidate the warranty and we will no longer be able to support this device."
So, if anyone reading this knows how to do this, or has done this, please share your experiences, perhaps explain step by step for everyone how to do it IF that's what they wish to do (a lot of people seem to want to do this for the Flash support).