this program connectify will give your scroll or any other wifi enabled device access to the internet through your pc. example: your router is downstairs and your pc is on the second floor you are up in the bedroom next to the room with pc, so you connect using the pc as a hotspot giving you better connection and speed, its working great on mine windows 7 64 bit pc. ... ?tag=mncol ... tag=button
What is Connectify?
Connectify is a free and easy to use software router for Windows 7 computers. With Connectify, users can wirelessly share any Internet connection: a cable modem, a cellular card, or even another Wi-Fi network. Other Wi-Fi enabled devices including laptops, smart phones, music players, and gaming systems can see and join your Connectify hotspot just like any other Wi-Fi access point and are kept safe and secure by password-protected WPA2 Encryption.