A serious contender to the Scroll? I'm watching this....

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A serious contender to the Scroll? I'm watching this....

Postby Kamikaze-X » April 19th, 2011, 4:38 pm


this really is one of those too good to be true things, and in all reality, they're saying that you can get a Galaxy Tab competitor for less than £100... as long as you wait for it to be produced by some random factory in China.

i might wait it out for a little while and see what happens, but this is a really tempting device.
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Re: A serious contender to the Scroll? I'm watching this....

Postby RichardP » April 19th, 2011, 7:28 pm

I got a Galaxy Tab after being disappointed by three cheap Tablets. Most of these cheaper devices are doing a severe dis-service to Android.
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Re: A serious contender to the Scroll? I'm watching this....

Postby insx » April 20th, 2011, 7:12 am

Wow, £97 including delivery with a capacitive touchscreen and the market. Sounds too good to be true, as you say.
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Re: A serious contender to the Scroll? I'm watching this....

Postby Kamikaze-X » April 20th, 2011, 8:08 am

apparantly it has a 3.5 hour battery life :/ i wonder if it because the phone.apks are still on it.
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Re: A serious contender to the Scroll? I'm watching this....

Postby andrewW » April 20th, 2011, 7:35 pm

This bit sounds somewhat dodgy:

"(Kogan) LivePrice allows you to purchase a product while we are in the process of manufacturing or shipping."

Expected dispatch date: 27th May 2011

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A serious contender to the Scroll? I'm watching this....

Postby Fozzer » April 20th, 2011, 8:00 pm

insx wrote:Wow, £97 including delivery with a capacitive touchscreen and the market. Sounds too good to be true, as you say.

I agree a capacitive screen for under £100 erm !

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Re: A serious contender to the Scroll? I'm watching this....

Postby andrewW » April 27th, 2011, 8:32 am

Price has gone down again and delivery date gone up! OS is now Gingerbread too :lol:

Operating System: Android 2.3

Expected dispatch date: 8th July 2011

7" Scroll, FW v1.00, OS v2.1, Rooted and all phone apps disabled
Galaxy Apollo, GT -I5800, OS v2.2, Froyo!!
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Galaxy Tab, OS v2.3
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Re: A serious contender to the Scroll? I'm watching this....

Postby chisme » April 30th, 2011, 3:28 pm

cmon you lot its way to good to be true i mean im allready thinking they would have cut back on things like build quality and gl 3d open support, i mean they advertising that it has microphone and headphone output.....oooooooo special , in my opinion its like the touchpad 2 rubbish , better screen but lower processor and no 3d support.....so whats the point when all you can use it for is the simplest of apps n games?
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